About Reiki


We are all born with the power to heal ourselves. Our bodies are in a constant state of maintaining balance. It is that energy within that helps the body to repair and replace aspects of itself as needed. In the distant past, our ancestors had an innate wisdom that they used to heal themselves and maintain vitality. Over time, with our focus shifting to what is outside of ourselves, we have lost the ability to clearly see within.

In comparison to our own personal energy, Reiki is the energy that connects our higher self with everything around us. We can use Reiki energy to help us balance our own energy and bodies. We are in a time where science is beginning to validate the existence of the energies that surround and exist within each of us. The Buddhist proverb: When a student is ready, the teacher appears is often true in the case of Reiki. You may have found this course at just the perfect time in your life. Reiki is the intelligent life force that connects us to what we need.

Our potential is tremendous but in order to become the powerful beings we were meant to be, we need to change our focus. Reiki is not only a tool for physical healing, but mental and spiritual growth as well. When Dr. Usui first formalized Reiki, he intended it to be a tool for spiritual growth. The physical healing that occurred was a side-effect of the increased awareness. Reiki is a gift that is given to each and every one of us. By opening your mind to this energy, you will be more capable of seeing the synchronicity in your life and be able to let your life flow. You already have access to this amazing life force. This course will show you how to use it.

We intuitively use Reiki energy. When we were children and were hurt, we were soothed by our Mother’s caring touch. A symbolic kiss to make it better actually did ease the pain as Mother and child used Reiki energy to soothe and heal. We naturally hold and protect areas that we have injured and in doing so is also drawing in Reiki energy to those parts to help them recover. This energy is plentiful and is available to everyone. There is no single person or organization that holds the rights to this energy. Reiki is not trademarked or patented. The only thing you need to access Reiki energy is the intention to align yourself to it and then the willingness to surrender your intellect so your heart can lead the way.

I am here to walk this path to healing and enlightenment with you.

There was a time when I felt desperate for solutions and needed help with imbalances in my body, mind and spirit. When I found Reiki, everything began to change. As I continued my practice, my life and my work deepened. Meditation became a prominent and treasured aspect of maintaining my energetic balance each day. My healing journey continued as I began to utilize the energy from nature for physical, emotional and energetic focus.
I have been practicing and teaching alternative healing for almost one year and each day I am so grateful to be able to watch others heal and transform themselves.

I know you have the power to create positive shifts in your body, mind and life and I am here to help you do just that.

Karthik Sharma (KS) – Certified Reiki Master & Healer | Animal Reiki Practitioner | Kundalini Sadhak | Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Practiotioner